Teaching & Learning Lab


The physical learning space: Autumn Festival 2021

During the Autumn Festival on Friday the 12th of November, we will be discussing the education of tomorrow. While the online learning space is gaining traction, the physical learning spaces keeps a very important place in our education. For which kind of education is the physical learning space of added value? Come discuss and think…

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Registration open: Autumn Festival 2021

On Friday the 12th of November, the yearly TLL Autumn Festival will take place – the moment to discuss innovation in education when it comes to didactics and technology. This years theme “the education of tomorrow” offers several workshops in which you can discuss, learn and work together while planning how education should take place…

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the hybrid active learning classroom at the Bolognalaan

Future Learning Spaces for the entire UU community

With the focus on distance learning for more than a year, you would almost think that the physical learning environment has been forgotten. Fortunately for the UU-campus: nothing could be further from the truth! The members of the project group Future Learning spaces (FLS) have worked hard to improve the physical learning environment within the…

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virtual classroom

Autumn Festival: challenges and possibilities of online education

During the yearly Autumn Festival on Friday the 12th of November, we will elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of online, hybrid and face-to-face education. We offer different sessions in which you will be able to ask, discuss and think about the possibilities that different forms of education offer, as well as the difficulties that…

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Herfstfestival 2021

On Friday the 12th of November, we will host the yearly Teaching & Learning Lab Autumn Festival. This year with the theme: “Flexible learning: education of the future”. The conference will include a keynote speaker and several parallel-workshops in different rooms on the Utrecht Science Park. Fitting to our theme, most of the workshops will…

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Looking back: TLL inspiration drink Mixed Classroom

During the TLL inspiration drink online on April 7, 2021, Peter Pelzer, professor of human geography and spatial planning, talked about the Mixed Classroom project. In the Mixed Classroom, students and policymakers work together on projects around the concept of “futuring”: systematically thinking about and imagining the future. This course encourages students and policy makers…

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Mixed Classroom competes for a higher education prize of 1.2 million

How students and professionals learn from and with each other How do we prepare for a future which will be fundamentally different due to climate change and other major social transitions? In the Mixed Classroom of the Urban Futures Studio, students and policy staff investigate together how we imagine the future and how we can do…

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Herfstfestival 2019

Teaching & Learning Lab Autumn Festival 2020 – ‘Education Everywhere’

We are currently working hard on preparations for the fifth edition of the interactive online Teaching & Learning Lab Autumn Festival 2020. The festival, aimed at secondary and higher education, will take place on Friday afternoon 27 November 2020. The main theme is ‘Education Everywhere’ and will be supported through the sub-themes Augmented / Virtual Reality (AVR) and…

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Liesbeth de Bakker

The transition to online education: ‘I refuse to just copy-paste’

Most of our educational activities will continue to be provided online, even after the summer holidays. The Master’s course Trends in Science Education & Communication is no exception. In June, lecturer Liesbeth de Bakker attended the ‘(Re)design your teaching in times of corona’ course, offered by Educational Consultancy & Professional Development  and Educate-it, to facilitate the…

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Experimenting with “hybrid” working methods?

Are you currently preparing for education for the academic year 2020-2021 and would you like to tinker with new teaching methods on campus? The Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL) recently started using two camera / sound bar systems that make it possible to teach students, some of whom are physically present and some online. After…

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