TLL Autumn Festival November 22, 2019
For everyone involved in improving secondary and higher education: put the TLL Autumn Festival 2019 in your agenda. The Autumn Festival will take place on Friday afternoon, November 22, 2019, on the campus of Utrecht University. More information about the program will be announced later in the spring. Do you want to be kept informed?…
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Patterns show us the way! Looking back at the inspiration café with Christian Köppe
Worldwide, scientists in many disciplines are investigating the pattern underlying success, in the expectation to be able to learn from it. On February 14, Christian Köppe, computer science teacher and researcher at Utrecht University, showed in the TLL inspiration café how patterns can be used to learn from educational practices. The idea originated in architecture,…
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March is (Peer) feedback month
To get teachers excited about enhancing their teaching, Educate-it will be organising monthly themes for University Utrecht teachers. March is the month of the (Peer) Feedback. Feedback is an important part of the educational process. It shows students where they are in the learning process and what they need to improve. Teachers interested in learning…
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TLL Autumn Festival: beyond the classroom
Friday afternoon November 30 well over 200 teachers, students, secondary school pupils, and representatives of business and educational institutions took part in the third Autumn Festival of the Teaching & Learning Lab. Flocking together in the hall of the Koningsberger Building they listened as Isabel Arends, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Judith Tielen,…
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YouTube channel with physics for teenagers reaches 1 million views
On 24 October, the YouTube channel by Ralph Meulenbroeks reached the magic number of one million views. In his videos, the Associate Professor from Utrecht University explains complicated principles of physics so that anyone can understand them. The target group is secondary school physics students, and the channel has proven to be extremely popular among them. “Vlak…
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Attend the TLL Autumn Festival on November 30th!
Experience how to effectively integrate knowledge clips in your education. Try to escape from an educational escape room, or learn how to deploy digital tools such as scalable learning and peer-feedback in the classroom. This is a sampling of the Festival of the Teaching & Learning Lab, scheduled on Friday afternoon for teachers, lecturers, students…
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Knowledge clips by students
In the last block of academic year 17-18 students once more made short knowledge clips during the Master’s course Public Science Communication of the Freudenthal Institute. The three best rated clips are shown below. They’re worthwhile anyway, but especially if you are curious about the effects of caffeine, the dangers of raw meat nutrition for animals or…
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3D printer lesson plans
3D printers can easily be used in whole class lessons. Within the framework of the ‘3D in Education’ Erasmus+ project lesson plans have been developed for all subjects and for pupils from the first year of secondary school to well into the upper grades. See www.e3du.eu for concrete lesson plans which have been tested in…
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Teachers find their way to the TLL
Teachers who want to innovate their courses increasingly find their way to the Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL). There, they experiment with new set-ups of furniture, whiteboards and beamers or record clips in the studio, using the transparent Lightboard. The interactive wall is frequently used for brainstorms during student challenges and training sessions, and pedagogy…
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Do-It-Yourself studio
The studio has a standard set-up for making Do-It-Yourself (DIY) knowledge clip recordings, in addition to a professional set-up with an operator. This DIY studio is provided by Educate-it and can be used by both staff and students. In the clip below, Maaike van der Veen, Educate-it, explains the use of DIY studios on the campus, including the TLL. Want…
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