Active Learning Classroom: from pilot to new university classroom
When Jasper van Winden started experimenting with a flipped classroom in his courses, the activating learning methods didn’t quite pan out, because his lessons were held in traditional auditoriums with rows of seats and the lecturer standing in front. So he spent two years converting the Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL) into an Active Learning…
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Reciprocal peer tutoring: letting students learn from each other
Prof. Dr. Ferdi Engels, lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and director of the Undergraduate School of Science at Utrecht University, has tried out a new teaching method in the Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL): Reciprocal peer tutoring. This involves linking pairs of students with different disciplinary backgrounds or experiences and letting them learn…
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Should you sound enthusiastic when recording an instructional video?
Much research has been done on how best to design instruction videos. Esmee Mocking studied enthusiasm during her Masters in Educational Sciences at Utrecht University: Does an enthusiastic speaker in an instructional film increase learning outcomes and attention? Among other things, she used eye-tracking. The research To research this, Esmee recorded two short physics films…
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Letting students work on their skills in the TLL
The elective course Co-create: life’s professional challenges stimulates students to solve a problem in society in an innovative way. Twenty third-year bachelor, master and recently graduated students from all faculties at Utrecht University worked on Loneliness in Utrecht for two weeks as a team. The TLL served as the home base for the course. The course…
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Letting students think out-of-the-box
Sanne de Jong focuses on education and innovation in the Biomedical Sciences program at Utrecht University. In the new course she developed for master students of Biology of Disease, she wants students to think out-of-the-box and therefore also changes their learning environments. The two-week course is concerned with gaining insight into the skills that students…
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Every group of students their own screen
Last year Jasper van Winden (biology lecturer1 at Utrecht University) flipped his course Wetenschapper in advies (Scientist advisor) for the first time, but ran into unsuitable rooms. So this year he used the Teaching & Learning Lab to teach the course. The flexibility of the furniture and the equipment mean that Jasper would not want…
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Mathematical knowledge clips for various goals
Tristan van Leeuwen, lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at Utrecht University had never recorded a knowledge clips. Now he has recorded several in the Teaching & Learning Lab, and he is very enthusiastic about it. Trailer for a lecture The first knowledge clip Tristan recorded in the TLL studio was for the Imaginary exhibition:…
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Handing the learning process to the students
Together with his colleagues at the Urban Futures Studio (Utrecht University), Jesse Hofman (post-doc researcher and lecturer) has developed a new course – Techniques of futuring – which is taught partly in the Teaching & Learning Lab. He is especially enthusiastic about the flexibility of the room, which allows for handing over the learning process…
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