Teaching & Learning Lab

Good Practices

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  • Tomas Klos online onderwijs

    Looking back at Inspiration café Online Teaching 

    During the Inspiration Café on 11 June, UU lecturer Tomas Klos (Faculty of Science) talked about his experiences with online education. Due to the corona crisis, all UU education has been taking place online since the middle of block 3. Tomas’ subject (Datastructuren en Algoritmen voor Kunstmatige Intelligentie) started in block 4, which gave him more time…

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    Knowledge clips for Mathematics D Online

    In this article, University Lecturer Rogier Bos discusses Mathematics D Online, a program to follow mathematics D in blended form. How did that come about? Which facilities of the Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL) were used for this, and does he have any tips for teachers on how to make knowledge clips? Why Math D…

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    David Baneke

    The distance learning of assistant professor David Baneke

    In this article, David Baneke, assistant professor at UU, talks about distance learning in corona times. How does he tackle it, how are things going, and what do he and his students think about it? “The course Science and the Dilemmas of Modernity of the master History and Philosophy of Science started in period 4, so I had time to…

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    Online onderwijs met kat op schoot

    Online education in times of Corona: Anne van Veen

    All teachers from schools and higher education institutions are currently working hard to organize distance education. Anne van Veen, PhD candidate at the Freudenthal Institute, talks about her experiences with online education. “In period 3, together with Stephen Snelders, Toine Pieters and many guest lecturers, I coordinate and teach the Pharmacy Bachelor’s choice course Addiction…

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    online onderwijs ralph meulenbroeks

    Online education in times of Corona: Ralph Meulenbroeks   

    All teachers from schools and higher education institutions are currently working hard to organize distance learning. Ralph Meulenbroeks, assistant professor at UU, talks about his experiences with online education.  “The digital revolution has its blessings in education. This became apparent when we (partially) went into lock down and all education in the Netherlands all of…

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    Living Pasts

    Students develop innovative form of history narration

    Walking through Utrecht and using your smartphone to learn more about the history of the city via augmented reality: five undergraduate students laid the foundation for this during the brand new Living Pasts course. The prototype the students have developed can already be viewed online, and the idea is for other students to build on…

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    Learning Tables

    Studying mathematics on learning tables

    Technological innovations rapidly transform our educational routines, but in which cases do these innovations contribute to the understanding of mathematical concepts? Anna Shvarts (researcher at the Freudenthal Institute) is exploring the effect of interactive mathematics activities on conceptual understanding of students, with the learning tables in the TLL. “My research aims to create interactive educational…

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    Making knowledge clips during course Communicating Science with the Public

    During the master course Communicating Science with the Public (CSP) of the Freudenthal Institute, students learn to write a public text and make a knowledge clip about a scientific topic, and can use the facilities of the TLL. Below you can view the top rated clips: Antibiotics and resistance By: Mae van Gemert and Koos…

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    uitgelicht afb stop-motion animatie

    Student-generated Stop-Motion animation 

    Mohammadreza Farrokhnia is a physics teacher, working for the Iranian ministry of education, and PhD candidate at Tarbiat Modares university of Tehran. His research focuses on effective physics teaching and learning strategies in the field of educational technology. As part of his PhD program, he is visiting the Freudenthal Institute from July 2018 till September 2019, where he conducts research in the Teaching & Learning Lab on student-generated animation as an approach for learning physics.  Most of Farrokhnia’s research is…

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    Uitgelicht afbeelding Robbert Pullen in het TLL

    The ideal setup to let students work together

    Programming skills are becoming increasingly important in all kinds of fields. To prepare students for this, Dirk Gerritsen (coordinator of the Masters program, School of Economics) and Robbert Pullen (trainer at the Optiver company) have developed a course on financial algorithms for students from both the School of Economics and the Science Faculty of Utrecht…

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