Teaching & Learning Lab

Autumn Festival 2018

Friday afternoon November 30 well over 200 teachers, students, secondary school pupils, and representatives of business and educational institutions took part in the third Autumn Festival of the Teaching & Learning Lab. Flocking together in the hall of the Koningsberger Building they listened as Isabel Arends, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Judith Tielen, member of parliament (VVD), underlined the importance of educational innovation. Businesses from the region presented their digital tools on the information market.

These tools had been discussed already: in the inspiration meeting about useful digitization that preceded the Festival. Businesses showed six tools (Faculty of skills, Drillster, Grasple, Liftov, Digitale microscopie and Feedback fruits), followed by the participants discussing with each other what kind of digital tools they would like to add to their teaching, and what is needed to seriously get educational innovations off the ground.

In the afternoon, the participants could choose from very diverse offerings in almost 40 workshops. One workshop analysed the influence of the classroom. Research shows that academic ability increases significantly if the environment is linked to what a student has to learn. Various possibilities and characteristics of rooms were discussed. Finally, the participants visited a series of rooms on campus, to see whether the characteristics of these space were in line with their intended purpose.

Participants could also work hands-on during the Festival, for instance by making an Augmented Reality app. Their tool: a simple starting model, the HP Reveal app. Using this app, you take a photo of the item that should be ‘scannable’ (the trigger), to which you link a layer that appears when your students scan the trigger with their mobile phone. You can for example add a photo, video, sound, or a 3D model. In another workshop, led by pupils from the Corderius College in Amersfoort, participants programmed a robot car, Leaphy, that could move and even avoid obstacles afterwards. In addition, there was more than enough time to practice with didactical ICT tools and recording knowledge clips.

Even Harry Potter got a look in. Magic and science turn out to have a lot in common. To be able to describe the Potter magic well, author JK Rowling had immersed herself in chemistry. This workshop highlighted several chemical and historical aspects from ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,’ as well as the similarities and differences between magic and science.

The next edition of the Autumn Festival will be part of the Dutch Smart Education Week, an initiative from institutions for higher education in the Utrecht region.

The Autumn Festival was organised by the Teaching & Learning Lab and Educate-it, in cooperation with the Centre for Academic Teaching. The workshops were presented by lecturers and students from Utrecht University, the ROC Midden Nederland, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, the Hogeschool Utrecht and schools and businesses from the Utrecht region.

Also look at the photo impression of the Autumn Festival.

Program Autumn Festival 30th November 2018

12.00 – 13.00 hrs: Walk in, lunch & information market

13.00 – 13.30 hrs: Opening

13.30 – 14.30 hrs: Workshops round 1

14.45 – 15.45 hrs: Workshops round 2

16.00 – 17.00 hrs: Workshops round 3

17.00 – 18.00 hrs: Closing – Drinks & music The Medium Bangers

12.00 – 13.00 hrs: Walk in, lunch & informationmarket

13.00 – 13.30 hrs: Opening

Isabel Arends (dean Faculty of Science, Utrecht University)
Ralph Meulenbroeks (teacher, Utrecht University)
Judith Tielen (tweedekamerlid, VVD)

13.30 – 14.30 hrs: Workshops Round 1

by: Sietske Tacoma & Marcela Ruiz-Carmona, Utrecht University

To overcome challenges that university students face in statistics education, immediate feedback on students’ answers and personalized practice exercises could be powerful means. In a collaboration between the Freudenthal Institute and a group of statistics teachers at Utrecht University, eight introductory online modules on statistics and eight online modules with extra practice exercises have been developed. The introductory modules contain theory and exercises and can be used for blended learning, as a first introduction to the topics. Students receive immediate feedback on their answers. After finishing one or more introductory modules, students can consult an overview of their performance on the various topics involved. Next, they can select extra practice exercises corresponding to topics for which their performance score is low.

In this session, participants are invited to discover the introductory and extra practice modules, as well as the overview of performance on which selection of extra practice exercises can be based. Experiences with these modules in statistics courses for Information Science and Biology students will be shared. Possibilities for further use of the modules in other bachelor programs will be discussed.

Please bring your own device to be able to work with the modules.

thema: Mixed reality
door: Mardie Vermunt, Universiteit Utrecht & Stephan Rutenfrans, De Werkplaats

Scholieren ontwikkelden onder begeleiding van Mardie zelf een Virtual Reality (VR) app over de cel en zijn organellen. Dat klinkt interessant,  maar hoe ziet zo’n project eruit? Waarom zou je überhaupt VR in de klas gebruiken? En wat is er zo waardevol aan om dit samen met de leerlingen te doen en hoe kun je zelf met zo’n project aan de slag? Deze vragen en meer zullen tijdens deze workshop beantwoord worden!

Tijdens het tweede deel van deze workshop wordt besproken hoe je met weinig budget toch een waardevolle VR-ervaring kunt opdoen, gebruik makend van de mobieltjes die de leerlingen zelf hebben en gratis apps.

door: Marc Willemsen en Walter Stekelenburg, ROC Midden Nederland

Twee excellentieprogramma’s van ROC Midden Nederland nemen jullie mee in de ontwikkelingen binnen hun programma’s “zorgtechnologie” en “internet of things”. Hoe is bijvoorbeeld de pratende bloempot tot stand gekomen en hoe kunnen we ons leven nog makkelijker maken met technologie? Zowel studenten als docenten van deze programma’s nemen jullie mee in hoe zij dit aanpakken, ontwikkelen en hierin samenwerken.

theme: Educational research
by: Wouter van Joolingen, Utrecht University

Lesson Study is an approach to improve teaching and learning, especially for teacher to experience new means of teaching. The basic principle of Lesson Study is that teachers collaboratively design a lesson around a teaching and learning problem. The lesson is performed and observed, where the focus of observation lies on students’ learning. In this session we will show how such an observation works with a special role for the observation camera’s of the Teaching and Learning Lab.

theme: How to design your future learning space today?
by: Duncan Peberdy, JISC

Educational institutes worldwide are looking for better ways to accommodate active and collaborative learning. One particularly successful initiative in this effort, supported by JISC, is the ‘Sticky campus’. After a two year tour in the UK, the JISC Sticky Campus has now come to the Netherlands to introduce its technology enhanced collaborative learning classroom. In this workshop you will get an overview of the didactic advantages of this set-up, as well as practical tips of how to teach in it.

thema: Leren met mixed reality: de volgende stap in onderwijs?
door: Robin de Lange, Universiteit Leiden

Benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden van Virtual Reality-brillen voor het onderwijs? In deze workshop zie je deze techniek meerwaarde kan leveren voor het onderwijs. Bijvoorbeeld door lesstof in een bredere context te plaatsen. Zo kunnen leerlingen kennis over vulkanen verbinden aan de ervaring van rondlopen rond een krater. Natuurlijk kun je ook zelf de nieuwste VR-ervaringen beleven. Teken in 3 dimensies, of reis door het menselijk lichaam. Daarnaast zien we hoe docenten én leerlingen gemakkelijk zélf Virtual Reality ervaringen kunnen maken!

theme: Cocreation of courses with students and teachers
by: Anne Salimans, Nienke Mast & Anouk Spierenburg, students Utrecht University

Three bachelor students share their insights about the project Create Your Own Course. In only a semester they designed and coordinated a BA-course about a subject they thought their BA missed: whether (and how) educational science and educational (governmental) policy contradict or conforms.

thema: Neem zelf je kennisclips op
door: Ralph Meulenbroeks, Universiteit Utrecht & Peter Duifhuis, Hogeschool Utrecht

Speciaal voor docenten die een kennisclip willen: Heb je een lesplan (van één of meerdere lessen, dit is een vereiste!) dat je in de komende weken gaat uitvoeren? Wil je hierbij gebruikmaken van kennisclips? Tijdens de eerste ronde zijn twee parallelworkshops te volgen (max. 12 personen per workshop). In deze eerste ronde stel je een plan op voor je kennisclip, gebaseerd op je eigen lesplan. Hierna is de studio van het TLL gereserveerd voor de tweede en derde ronde, waarin je de mogelijkheid krijgt om in één ronde het plan uit te werken. Het doel van deze sessies: verlaat het festival met een bruikbaar plan, of misschien is jouw video wel helemaal klaar aan het eind van de dag!

theme: IT-tools for education: try yourself
by: Mirne van der Cammen & Matthias van der Veen, Utrecht University

In this session you will explore some opportunities of e-assessment offered by the software package Remindo. You will learn about the added value of e-assessment and you will practice with making questions and an exam in Remindo. This hands-on session helps and informs teachers who use Remindo for the first time and those who are interested in the advantages and possibilities of e-assessment.

theme: From learning goals to it-tools
by: Laurien Jansen & Paul Heijnen, Utrecht University

When registering for part 1 it is mandatory to register for part 2.

Are you interested in integrating blended learning into your educational practices and do you like to experience what a blended course can look like? This session is part of a short blended learning course. You will prepare and meet your peers online before you will get to see them face-to-face! During this face-to-face session you will become acquainted with the concept of blended learning, its potential, and what it means for you as a teacher. You will give thought to the objective of education, and you will start (re)designing your own course. Whilst (re)designing you will determine what will be made available face-to-face, and what you can offer online, which blended learning tools you can possibly use, and how you integrate online learning and face-to-face learning. You’ll receive information about the online preparation two weeks beforehand.

thema: Leren door te maken: Makerspace
door: Christian Köppe, Universiteit Utrecht

Soms is het leuk om een onderwerp vanuit een andere invalshoek te benaderen. Zo kan je bijvoorbeeld leren programmeren door een stuk muziek te produceren. Hierbij komen zowel een aantal basale programmeerconcepten aan de beurt als ook concepten uit de muziek, een aansprekende combinatie! In deze workshop leer je een programmeertaal voor muziek kennen en maak je vrij snel eerste stappen naar een goed klinkend geheel. De workshop is geschikt voor iedereen met interesse in programmeren en/of muziek en/of het kijken met een nieuwe bril naar bestaande onderwerpen. Voorkennis is in ieder geval niet nodig (maar ook niet erg). Wat je wel mee moet brengen is een koptelefoon!

theme: No Escape: The rise of Escape Rooms in Education
by: Alice Veldkamp, Utrecht University

In an interactive lecture, Alice Veldkamp will discuss the educational claims, potential and dilemma’s on the implementation of ERs in education, based on literature and experiences within the various UU projects.

Attend a live Escape Room in round 2 Escape Room: Peeking behind the locked door

theme: IT-tools for education: user experiences
by: Marjolein Haagsman, Utrecht University

Scalable Learning is a tool for active integration of videos into teaching. Scalable learning allows the teacher not only to present knowledge clips but also to add questions to the clips. When questions are added students engage more as they watch. The answers students give to these questions can also help to structure classes, focus on subject matter students don’t understand yet, and explore specific subjects in greater detail. In this session you will learn more about the platform and how to use it in your Flipped the classroom-education.

door: Gonnette Smits, Muurbloem design studio & Ann Decock, andARCHITECURE

Creativiteit is één van de belangrijkste competenties van de toekomst. Hoe kun je een ruimte zo inrichting waardoor deze flexibel is en te transformeren naar een ideale situatie die perfect aansluit bij de leerdoelen. Hoe kan een ruimte een stimulerende rol spelen voor het opnemen van deze informatie. Welke (technologische) middelen worden ingezet om de creativiteit van een ruimte te vergroten. Hoe kunnen we de functie van kleur gebruiken om het gedrag te beïnvloeden. We nemen je mee op avontuur om aan den lijve te ondervinden wat het effect is van zo’n flexibele omgeving.

14.45 – 15.45 hrs: Workshops Round 2

thema: Leren door te maken: Makerspace
door: Bart Kappé in samenwerking met leerlingen, VeenLanden College, Mijdrecht

Lasersnijmachines kunnen razendsnel vormen snijden uit plaatmateriaal. Het zijn de 3D-printers van het platte vlak, ideaal voor Makerspaces en/op scholen. Op het VeenLanden College in Mijdrecht bouwen leerlingen zélf een lasersnijmachine. We vertellen erover, laten hem zien en geven voorbeelden van de mogelijkheden.

theme: From learning goals to it-tools
by: Laurien Jansen & Paul Heijnen, Utrecht University

When registering for part 2 it is mandatory to register for part 1.

Are you interested in integrating blended learning into your educational practices and do you like to experience what a blended course can look like? This session is part of a short blended learning course. You will prepare and meet your peers online before you will get to see them face-to-face! During this face-to-face session you will become acquainted with the concept of blended learning, its potential, and what it means for you as a teacher. You will give thought to the objective of education, and you will start (re)designing your own course. Whilst (re)designing you will determine what will be made available face-to-face, and what you can offer online, which blended learning tools you can possibly use, and how you integrate online learning and face-to-face learning. You’ll receive information about the online preparation two weeks beforehand.

theme: No Escape: The rise of Escape Rooms in Education
by: Alice Veldkamp & Marijke Hoogendoorn, Utrecht University

In this session, we observe the participants of the escape room Mastermind. While 6 players try to succeed in their mission, we observe them and relate the observations to the objectives of the Escape Room. Commentary on educational and organizational aspects will be provided and questions from the audience answered. Alice Veldkamp is teacher educator and researcher on ERs in education and Marijke Hoogendoorn works as project leader academic development at Educate-it.

by: David Baneke & Maarten-Harm Verburg, Universiteit Utrecht

There was a time when magic and science were regarded as closely related activities. Both were ways to investigate and manipulate nature. Harry Potter’s fictional universe is full of witchcraft and wizardry, but also of references to this real, historical magic. In this workshop, we will explore the history of Renaissance magic, especially Alchemy, with Harry Potter as our guide. We will also witness some recreations of real alchemical experiments.

theme: How to design your future learning space today?
by: Jasper van Winden, Utrecht University

How we are teaching is in practice often determined by our classroom layouts. However it should be the other way around: our classroom layouts should be determined by how we are teaching. This insight challenges daily practice for most teachers. And it leads to the conclusion that learning space design should be an integral part of the course design. In this workshop we will make a start with this by redesigning a class, including both the teaching methods and the learning space.

In the next round (Workshop Spaces – Experience: Learning spaces: the hands-on experience) you can apply your design in the Teaching & Learning Lab, where you can change the classroom lay-out yourself.

thema: Mixed reality
door: Sander Kroon, Veenlanden College, Mijdrecht

Een nieuw huis bekijken doet men allang niet meer in persoon. Via verschillende sites kan men Virtual Reality tours volgen door verschillende huizen in slechts 5 minuten. Zou zoiets ook mogelijk zijn binnen school? Excursies die vanuit het klaslokaal te volgen zijn. Kom erachter en ga zelf ermee aan de slag tijdens deze sessie. Er worden praktische handvatten gegeven om te beginnen met het gebruik maken van VR/AR/360º beelden.

theme: Educational research
by: Femke Kirschner, Lindy Wijsman, Marit Wijnen and Irma Meijerman, Utrecht University

Try something new? Especially if you expect this could improve your teaching. But how do you know if it worked out well? In this workshop, you will get acquainted with the CIMO-approach, with which you can evaluate your own education (innovation).

theme:  IT-tools for education: try yourself
by: Nicole Mastenbroek, Veterinary Medicine and Michiel Hulsbergen, Social & Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University

Communicate is a serious game platform for practicing communication skills. It supports practicing interpersonal communication skills between a professional such as a doctor and client, businesses and consumers, or government organizations and citizens. A player selects a scenario, and holds a consultation with a virtual character. In the consultation, the player chooses between different statements. The player scores on the learning goals addressed by the scenario, and gets immediate feedback through the effect of the choice on the answer options on the utterance and emotion of the virtual character. Communicate not only offers a playing environment, but also an editor for scenarios. A scenario is a graph-like structure, extended with several constructs to avoid the development of repetitive structures. For example, a teacher can specify discussions about separate subjects, and allow the player to take steps from both discussions in arbitrary order. Educational institutes worldwide are looking for better ways to accommodate active and collaborative learning. One particularly successful initiative in this effort, supported by JISC, is the ‘Sticky campus’. After a two year tour in the UK, the JISC Sticky Campus has now come to the Netherlands to introduce its technology enhanced collaborative learning classroom. In this workshop you will get an overview of the didactic advantages of this set-up, as well as practical tips of how to teach in it.
In this workshop we will introduce Communicate. The participants will play a scenario, and take some first steps towards developing their own scenario.

theme:  IT-tools for education: user experiences
by: Alex Lodder en Herman Jonker, Utrecht University

Programmatic Assessment is about the integration of learning and assessing. In this approach the teacher chooses to assess a student with a variety of assessments instruments. Meaningful feedback and reflection on the student’s learning experience are essential. This way of testing, which involves all test moments, focuses on personal, activating degree programmes in which the students are responsible for their own progress.

In this session you will learn more about Programmatic Assessment at Utrecht University with examples from use cases from both Veterinary Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

theme: From learning goals to it-tools
by: Kristi Jauregi Ondarra & Mabelle Hernandez, Utrecht University

In this session Kristi Jauregi Ondarra and Mabelle Hernández will present the results of three innovation projects on distant learning and online intercultural collaboration in language learning subsidized by the European Commission. We are going to present different cases on integration of telecollaboration (distant learning) in: 1) language learning 2) Foreign language teacher education and 3) master intercultural communication.
Kristi Jauregi Ondarra is an associate professor at Utrecht University. Her main research interest is on studying the educational affordances of integrating online intercultural collaboration projects (via telecollaboration, virtual worlds and 3D virtual reality) in the (foreign) language curricula. Mabelle Hernández is programme manager of the Utrecht University-wide Educate-it programma on Education and IT.

theme: Leren met mixed reality: de volgende stap in onderwijs?
by: Joris Weijdom, lecturer and researcher bij de HKU (University of the Arts Utrecht)

Learning by doing is one of the key concepts for design processes in general and higher art education in particular. Through experiential learning methodology embodied knowledge is contextualized through an iterative design cycle of doing and reflecting. Collaborative mixed reality environments (CMREs) enable creative and learning processes through full-body interaction with mediated ideas and concepts. However often these technologies are applied in forms of immersive learning that seem to neglect the important role of the body itself. In this lecture Joris Weijdom, from the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, shares his research, experience and future vision on innovative pedagogy using CMREs in higher art education through inspirational examples from the HKU and international best-practices.

Joris Weijdom is researcher and designer of mixed-reality experiences focusing on interdisciplinary creative processes and performativity. He founded the Media and Performance Laboratory (MAPLAB), enabling from 2012 until 2015 practice-led artistic research on the intersection of performance, media and technology. He works at the Professorship Performative Processes and teaches several BA and MA courses at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. Joris is always looking for the ‘inter’ in everything: inter-disciplinarity, inter-connectivity, inter-action and inter-faces. As PhD candidate he currently researches creative processes in collaborative mixed reality environments (CMRE).

theme: How to design your future learning space today?
by: Duncan Peberdy, JISC

Educational institutes worldwide are looking for better ways to accommodate active and collaborative learning. One particularly successful initiative in this effort, supported by JISC, is the ‘Sticky campus’. After a two year tour in the UK, the JISC Sticky Campus has now come to the Netherlands to introduce its technology enhanced collaborative learning classroom. In this workshop you will get an overview of the didactic advantages of this set-up, as well as practical tips of how to teach in it.

theme: Diversity and inclusion in education
by: Jasper Albinus and Simone Aumaj, Utrecht University

In this workshop diversity is used as a pedagogical tool to stimulate empathy and understanding towards each other. It urges participants to critically reflect upon their own lived experiences and privileges concerning diversity in personal, societal, institutional and educational realms and encourages them to engage with the notions of belonging. The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a coherent and all-encompassing definition of the term diversity (sex, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, (dis)ability) and to learn how to employ it in pedagogical environments. The workshop is geared towards students and teachers, and as such it will help in creating educational spaces that are more inclusive.

theme: Cocreation of courses with students and teachers
by: Anne van Veen, Utrecht University

After deciding to co-create a course with students and reading up on relevant literature, you’re faced with the question of how to go about the co-creation process. What do you actually do during the co-creation sessions?  Which activities are instrumental in different phases of the creative process? In this workshop I share my experiences from co-creating a course together with five master students and you get to try out some co-creation activities for yourself.

thema: Neem zelf je kennisclips op
door: Ralph Meulenbroeks, Universiteit Utrecht & Peter Duifhuis, Hogeschool Utrecht

Docenten die hebben deelgenomen aan ronde 1 van ‘Neem zelf je kennisclip op’ kunnen eventueel de studio in gaan en maken zelf een kennisclip.

In verband met beperkte capaciteit van de studio is het aantal plaatsen beperkt.

thema: No Escape: The rise of Escape Rooms in Education
door: Emma Bosman, Universiteit Utrecht

Een escape room speciaal ontwikkeld als teamuitje voor UU-docenten. UU-docenten leren elkaar én verschillende onderwijstoepassingen op een hele andere manier kennen. De missie moet binnen 60 minuten volbracht worden om de kamer succesvol te verlaten. In deze sessie kunnen 6 deelnemers de uitdaging aan gaan om de missie binnen de tijd te volbrengen. Na het spelen van de escape room zal de bijbehorende nabespreking plaatsvinden waarin de onderwijstools uit de escape room uitgelicht worden en wordt er gekeken naar de toepassing van deze tools in je eigen onderwijs.

LET OP: de escape room + nabespreking nemen twee workshoprondes in beslag (ronde 2 en 3). U dient zich voor beide rondes aan te melden via het aanmeldformulier.

16.00 – 17.00 hrs: Workshops Round 3

thema: Mixed reality
door: Lisette van den Berg, Animal Ecology, Universiteit Utrecht

Met het project Monkey Reality krijgen studenten een unieke kijk op het sociale leven van apen en worden zij getraind in het observeren van gedrag en methodes door o.a. VR en 360º beelden. Op deze manier kunnen zij ervaring opdoen met verschillende observatiemethodes en zich hiermee beter voorbereiden op gedragsbiologische studies in het veld. In deze interactieve lezing maak je kennis met het gedrag van de Java-aap, en is het mogelijk om ook zelf te ervaren hoe het is om in het midden van een apengroep te staan.

theme: From learning goals to it-tools
by: Gert Folkers, Utrecht University

Most bachelor hands-on experiments are executed as cookbook-like recipes, while becoming an independent scientist requires from students to develop experimental research skills. To improve the learning outcome of hands-on lab experiments various tools have been implemented, including lab-simulations, prelab learning modules, electronic labjournal and development of open-end experiments. The workshop will evaluate the added value and disadvantages of these tools.

theme: IT-tools for education: try yourself
by: Willemien de Haan, Utrecht University

Do you want more interaction with your students? Do you have the feeling that your students don’t understand your information well? A voting tool may be the answer! With a voting tool, a lecturer can easily ask questions to students during the contact hours. Students can respond to the questions using their own devices and the results of the voting session are shown real-time on screen. This session contains the why, when and how of a voting tool and let you explore the possibilities of a voting tool for your education.

theme: Diversity and inclusion in education
by: Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij, Utrecht University

In recent years, especially male drop-out rates at universities have exceeded those of women. Studies show that a combination of inspired lecturers and swift feedback loops result in improved student engagement and retention. Blended learning approaches could provide the tools for this.

theme: How to design your future learning space today?
by: Jasper van Winden, Utrecht University

This workshop takes place in the Teaching & Learning Lab where we can easily change classroom lay-outs. We will realise some learning space designs that were made in the workshop “Design a physical learning space for your own teaching” in round 2. Then we will improve on these designs by experiencing them both as a teacher and as a student.

thema: Neem zelf je kennisclips op
door: Ralph Meulenbroeks, Universiteit Utrecht & Peter Duifhuis, Hogeschool Utrecht

Docenten die hebben deelgenomen aan ronde 1 van ‘Neem zelf je kennisclip op’ kunnen eventueel de studio in gaan en maken zelf een kennisclip.

In verband met beperkte capaciteit van de studio is het aantal plaatsen beperkt.

theme: Cocreation of courses with students and teachers
by: Suzanne van Hoogstraten, Utrecht University

What are possible applications of student engagement? And what are the conditions for fruitful student-teacher partnerships? This is what we will focus on during this workshop. I will share the outcomes of a literature review on co-creation and Educate-it’s activities in the field of student engagement. During this workshop I – together with the participants – will seek for possible applications of co-creation.

thema: Escape Room – No Escape: The rise of Escape Rooms in Education
door: Emma Bosman & Marijke Hoogendoorn, Universiteit Utrecht

Deze sessie is uitsluitend voor de 6 deelnemers aan de Escape Room ‘Mastermind: een escape room voor docenten‘ uit ronde 2. In deze nabespreking worden de onderwijstools uit de escape room uitgelicht en vertaald naar toepassing in je eigen onderwijs.

LET OP: de escape room + nabespreking nemen twee workshoprondes in beslag (ronde 2 en 3).

door: docent Roeland Smith in samenwerking met leerlingen van het Corderius College

Robotica doe je met je handen en met je hoofd. Robotica geeft daarmee ruimte aan alle leerlingen: creatief, technisch, talig en wiskundig.

In deze workshop maak je kennis met de onderwijsrobot Leaphy Original. De robot is ontwikkeld door leerlingen en docenten. Het instapmodel wordt op basisscholen gebruikt. Voor het voorgezet onderwijs is er een uitdagender model met extra sensoren. In een paar kwartier leer je hoe je eenvoudige logica kunt gebruiken om een robot zelfstandig te laten rijden, schijnen en ontwijken.

Meer informatie: www.leaphy.nl

thema: Educational research
door: Winnifred Wijnker, Universiteit Utrecht

Video’s doen het goed in het onderwijs! Maar hoe herken je een goede onderwijsvideo? In deze workshop bespreken we vier theoretische perspectieven op educatieve video’s als waardevolle hulpmiddelen voor het beoordelen van video’s. We kijken samen naar voorbeelden van goede en slechte video’s, en sluiten af met wat concrete tips om video’s effectief in te zetten in je eigen onderwijs.

theme: IT-tools for education: user experiences
by: Nanette Verhulst & Annet van der Riet, Utrecht University

How to achieve that (peer) feedback on assignments supports the learning process of students effectively? After a short introduction you will create a feedback-design that fits your own lessons.

In this session you will learn more about the characteristics of good feedback and how to achieve deep learning through the application of feedback. Whilst redesigning you will receive information and examples about appropriate feedback tools for your learning activities.

thema: Virtual Reality in het onderwijs?
door: Ramon Verberne (HKU)

Maak kennis met augmented reality en ontdek samen de toepassingen voor jouw onderwijs! In deze workshop gaan we aan de slag met augmented reality (AR). Je leert hoe je AR zelf kan inzetten in de klas gebruik makend van een gratis te downloaden app. Samen maken we een toepassing die je in de les kan gebruiken om extra informatie over een bepaald onderwerp aan te bieden. Om bij deze informatie te komen heeft de leerling / student alleen een smartphone nodig.

Ongoing program: Visualizations in mathematics teaching

By Anna Shvarts & Rosa Alberto (University Utrecht)
How to let students experience mathematics with their body? We provide interactive
examples on a Learning Table and Interactive Whiteboard: explore simultaneously a
unit circle and sinus graph, experience diverse functions and proportions with your

More information

When: Friday 30 November 2018 from 11.00 – 18.00 hrs

Location: Koningsberger & Buys Ballotgebouw Utrecht Science Park, Access via Koningsbergergebouw, Budapestlaan 4a-b, 3584 CD Utrecht

Registration: Free, registration workshops in advance (registration closed).

The Autumn Festival is for teachers, students, high school students and anyone interested in innovation in secondary and / or higher education.

Foto’s: Ivar Pel