Teaching & Learning Lab


12 November 2020

Postponed: Design Thinking Session “Education is Everywhere”

Design Thinking sessiesThe Design Thinking session on Friday, November 13, has been postponed to spring 2021 due to the current measures regarding the corona virus. The TLL Autumn Festival on November 27 will continue (aanmelder.nl/tll2020).

Education doesn’t just take place from 9am to 5pm, in classrooms or on an online platform. Learning always continues, even in learners’ ‘free time’. To explore the opportunities of learning outside the school building, the Teaching & Learning Lab organizes the Design Thinking Education is Everywhere’ session on Friday 13 November. Under the guidance of an experienced moderator, the participants come up with tangible solutions in a creative way. Much space is given to serendipity and coincidence. Guided by Antoinet Voschezang (Happy Soul Centre), Mirthe Mangnus (UU) & Heleen van Ravenswaaij (UU), the participants will be challenged to use their creativity and find tangible and often unexpected solutions. 

This interactive session with a maximum of fifteen participants will take place in De Biltsche Hoek and provides direct access to a forest to gain inspiration. 

More information and registration

Date: spring 2021


Target audience: Teacher, students, and anyone interested in innovation in secondary and / or higher education.

Maximaal number of participants: Fifteen

Registration: Free of charge, registration opens in 2021.