Teaching & Learning Lab


Preview programme TLL Autumn Festival 22 november 2019

The Autumn Festival will take place on Friday, November 22, 2019, on the Utrecht University campus.

Casper Hulshof, educational scientist at the UU and known from the book “Juffen zijn toffer dan meesters” [‘female teachers are cooler than male ones’] will open the day with his vision on education and the use of technology. Subsequently, there are two rounds of workshops, making and listening sessions on, among other things, activating work forms, blended learning, and active learning spaces. Solve an educational puzzle box and experience how you can use it in education or make one yourself, or escape from an escape room.

In the morning of November 22, three teams of students and staff, spread across Utrecht Science Park, will start on an assignment to develop ideas for better and modern education. Watch the Design Thinking sessions live during the Autumn Festival and attend the team pitches at the end of the afternoon.

The full programme will be available in September, see Autumn Festival 2019.

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